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NC Department of Health and Human Services
N.C. DPH: Chronic Disease and Injury Section
N.C. Public Health Home

Injury and Violence Prevention Branch

Motor Vehicle Traffic Injury Data

Motor vehicle injuries were the number one cause of death for young people ages 1-47 in North Carolina and the leading cause of death from injury in all age groups in 2007. Even when looking at all causes of death, including heart disease and cancer, motor vehicle injuries are in the top 10 causes of death for all ages.

After viewing this page, if you find yourself needing more information on motor vehicle-related injuries, please review the Injury and Violence Prevention Branch data request policies and procedures for steps on how to make a custom data request.

Motor Vehicle Injury Data

Unintentional Motor Vehicle Traffic Injuries in North Carolina, 2022 - PowerPoint presentation with data on motor vehicle injury deaths, hospitalizations, and ED visits.

State Motor Vehicle Crashes ORION Report

This ORION report includes data on motor vehicle crash deaths, hospitalizations, and ED visits by sex, age, and race/ethnicity.

County Motor Vehicle Crashes ORION Reports

These ORION reports include county-level data from 2017-2021 on motor vehicle crash deaths, hospitalizations, and ED visits by sex, age, and race/ethnicity.

Special Emphasis Reports: Unintentional Motor Vehicle Traffic Injuries

The Unintentional Motor Vehicle Traffic (MVT) Injuries Special Emphasis Report provides an overview of the impact and magnitude of unintentional MVT injury by age, gender, race/ethnicity, and type of person (occupant, motorcycle, pedestrian, etc.). This report also includes information on MVT injury prevention strategies and activities occurring in our state.

The N.C. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Data

See also: BRFSS Injury Data

Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Data

See also: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Injury Data

Child Health Assessment and Monitoring Program (CHAMP) Data

See also: CHAMP Injury Data

Seatbelt Use for Children

Use of Safety Seat for Children

Parent Cell Phone Usage

Parent Interest in Teens and Driving Safety

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) offers a wide range of data reports on motor vehicle related injuries in North Carolina and the nation. NHTSA is also a good source for motor vehicle crash prevention information.

For older fact sheets, please contact a member of the Injury and Violence Prevention Branch.